Why choose ClarityQR

ClarityQR believes your business deserves to have more control over its technology costs. We bring clarity to your contract agreements and help mitigate risks. We negotiate your IT vendor contracts, reducing over-spend. In short, we’re here to help lower your IT costs.

Our combination of unparalleled expertise, expert negotiation, and evidence-based practice, means we help you reach your goals using proven cost optimization solutions.

With ClarityQR, you get a partner focused on giving you the freedom to grow your business. We take care of your technology costs, while you take care of business.

Who we are

Clarity Hosted Solutions has helped over 20,000 clients and businesses find unique technology solutions. Through managed services, cloud solutions, and data security, we provide a full spectrum of technology solutions.

ClarityQR was formed to complement our clients by helping reduce costs on IT vendor contracts. We have worked on over 10,000 contracts helping businesses find savings. With our team’s over 25 years of licensing experience and our collaborative client focused approach, we help you control your technology costs.

Collaborative partnership

Collaboration is core to ClarityQR’s values and culture. We work with our clients to explore opportunities in achieving their savings goals. Being vendor agnostic, we truly are an extension of your team bringing unbiased expertise to each engagement.

We understand relationships are important and value the partnerships with your vendors. Working together, we provide effective IT contract negotiations while maintaining ideal vendor relationships.

Join our team

We’re always looking for creative thinkers with a passion for solving problems.

ClarityQR is inclusive and diverse. That’s how we’ve become the Canadian leader in delivering high-quality customized technology solutions. The key to our success is our tightly knit team environment. Creating and cultivating a collaborative working environment where employees are empowered to innovate and can grow their skills is central to our approach.

Join our team of experts. If you don’t see a career opportunity, but are an innovative creative thinker dedicated to delivering quality service and solutions, or a company that wants to work with our team, you can connect with us to learn more.